The end of Patriot’s Month
Over the years, that belief has sustained us through war and depression; peace and prosperity. It’s helped us build the strongest democracy, the greatest middle class, and the most powerful military the world has ever known. And today, there isn’t a nation on Earth that wouldn’t gladly trade places with the United States of America.
The Washington Nationals reflect even more red, white and blue on this special day. |
Memorial Day(5月最終月曜日
)からIndependent Day(7月4日
)まで1カ月続いたPatriot’s Monthがようやく終わった。White Houseは週末に
出征兵士留守家族を招待してコンサートを開き、Washington NationalsはPatriot’s Uniformを着用した。金曜日夜のFireworksを合図に、Independent Day Weekend Saleがスタートした。アメリカのHigh SummerはLabor Day(9月1日)週末まで続く。
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