We’re Committed to Digital, but
Focused on Software
Mark Parker said, Digital sport, as we call it at
Nike, is incredibly important to us. We think it’s going to be a
bigger and bigger factor in terms of the experience consumers have with the
products that we create. So you’re going to see digital actually be more and
more integrated into other products that we have. Our goal is to actually
increase the number of users, those that can actually experience Nike Fuel and
the Fuel System that we have, as well as other applications.
Nike(本社:オレゴン州ビーバートン)のMark Parker社長が、4月CNBCのインタビューで、デジタルスポーツ戦略をハードウエアからソフトウエア主力に転換し、Appleとの協調関係を示唆した。4月18日付けCNET(HQ:San
Francisco, CA)記事に答える形で明らかにした。more....
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