
Super Bowl LI; Patriots win fifth title

Get ready for a shootout in Texas, folks. According to ESPN's efficiency metric, we get the chance to watch the NFL's two best offenses face off in Houston. The Falcons paced the league with 58 offensive TDs this season, while the Patriots finished third with 51. But against a stingy Pats D (which allowed a league-low 250 points all season), the Falcons will need to keep firing on all cylinders if they're going to score enough to make up for their porous defense.

Super Bowl LIはあわやFalcons初優勝かと思われたが、最後の土壇場になってPatriotsが奇跡の逆転劇を演じ5回目の優勝を達成した。3Qまで圧倒的優位に立っていたFalconsは、3Q 2; 06から17分で25点のリードを一気に挽回され、Super Bowl史上初のOver Timeでもなすところなく敗退した。

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