
Nike Hyperadapt 1.0 Olive Flak

The Nike HyperAdapt 1.0 is the payoff of significant research into digital, electrical and mechanical engineering. Powered by an underfoot-lacing mechanism, the shoe proposes a groundbreaking solution to individual idiosyncrasies in lacing and fit preferences. That means the undue pressure caused by tight tying and slippage resulting from loose laces are relics of the past. Precise, consistent, personalized lockdown can now be manually adjusted on the go. The latest iteration of the innovative sneaker arrives set in olive flak and orange peel hues. Fully charge the HyperAdapt 1.0 prior to use.

2016年発売から1年以上もなりを潜めていたHyperadapt 1.0が、久々に登場した。価格は前回と同じ$720 USDで発売する。auto-lacing techがギミックかどうかはもう少し時間がかかるだろうが、今のところMark Parkerはギブアップする気配は全くない。

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