
Urban Outfitters:Walk This Way

"Walk This Way" is a song by American hard rock group Aerosmith. Written by Steven Tyler and Joe Perry, the song was originally released as the second single from the 1975 album Toys in the Attic. The album helped break Aerosmith into the mainstream in the 1970s, it also helped revitalize their career in the 1980s when it was covered by rappers Run-D.M.C. on their 1986 album Raising Hell.
このプロモーションテーマ"Walk This Way" を目にして黙って通り過ぎるのは、スニーカービジネス関係者だとちょっと問題がある。Walk This Wayはadidasマニアなら誰でも知っているRun-D.M.C.のカバー曲だ。この曲がヒットして、30年前にShell Top adidasがアメリカで爆発的に売れた。

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