
2013 Cyber Monday; Cyber Monday becomes next big target for shopers

This years Americans shopers are expected to take to their computers, smartphones or other devices to scoop up bargains, an estimated 122 million people up by 1 million from a year ago, the National Retail Federation forecasts. Cash registers and crowds are giving way to keyboards and monitors. Some consumers already have set their sights on the next shopping frenzy -- Cyber Monday.

Black Fridayにお目当の買い物ができなかったり、ホリデーギフトを買い忘れた時はどうするか? Thanksgiving Day Weekendにカリブ海のバケーションに出かけた人も、クリスマスプレゼントは購入しなければならい。そういう用意の悪い人にはCyber Mondayという救世主がいる。

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