
The President welcomes the Cleveland Cavaliers

On Thursday November 10, the President and First Lady welcomed President-elect Trump and Melania Trump to the White House.  There was a pool spray at the bottom of the President's meeting with President-elect Trump in the Oval Office. The First Lady's meeting with Melania Trump in the White House Residence is closed press.
In the afternoon, the President greet the Cleveland Cavaliers to the White House to honor the team and their 2016 NBA Championship. This event on the South Lawn is open press.

119日に次期大統領当選をきめたTrumpは、翌日10日にはさっそくMelania Trumpを同伴してホワイトハウスを公式訪問した。この模様は日本のメディアも報道した。しかしこの日はもう一組のホワイトハウス訪問客がいた。それも40人近い団体でClevelandからやってきたグループである。

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