
Nike Juvenate Print QS

The name for the Nike Zenji was derived from the Japanese word for Zen master, as the simple and lightweight design of the shoe is inspired by the idea of achieving a Zen-like state. Unfortunately, we were unaware that the word “zenji”also takes on a derogatory meaning when pronounced in Arabic. As soon as we became aware, we took immediate action to rename the shoe the Nike Juvenate. We apologize to anyone who was offended by the original name. No offense was intended." text from complex.com
Nike は5月後半になってNike ZenjiをNike Juvenateに変更したが、理由は人種差別用語の可能性を避けるためだった。complex.comがNikeの説明を公開している。JuvenateのアイディアはReebokのTravel Trainerとほぼ同じだが、2015 Summerのホットアイテムになるのは確実である。

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